bERRIANA'S mIKE dEDICATION pAGE - An all-inclusive site with on-the-ball news, articles, interviews and most importantly MORE Pix!!
bERRIANA'S mICHAEL pITT mESSAGE bOARD - An EZ BOARD with several fan forums open to all.
mICHAEL pITT oNLINE - Another great site with EVERYTHING you could want including caps of Michael's music video.
fIXATION: a mURD3R 8Y nUMBERS fANDOM - A GREAT fan fiction site that explores the minds and motives of Justin and Richard.
mBN sLASH - YAHOO Group for MBN slash fanfiction among other things.
mICHAEL pITT oNLINE cOMMUNITY jOURNAL - A COOL place for fans to chat.
mICHAEL pITT fANLISTING - a PLACE where Pitt fans collide.
8Y nUMBERS - OFFICIAL Warner Bros. site.